Kansas City West Bottoms Historic District
This district in KC was home to one of its principal economic engines, the livestock and meat-processing industry, booming from the late 1800s for close to 100 years. My grandfather and great-grandfather (cattle dealers) kept offices on the 4th floor of the Livestock Building, so I feel an affinity for the area, which also housed manufacturing, warehousing, railroads, and commodities trading.
The massive, ornate structures were intended to tell the world that Kansas City had an important place on the economic world stage. Their endurance is a testimonial to the architects, craftspeople and workers who built them.
Archive-quality prints are available. Please contact me to inquire. .
Manifest Destiny 16X20 inches $700 Limited Edition of 25
Unreliable Witnesses. 13X20 inches. $650. Limited edition of 25
Legacy 20X16 inches. $700 Limited edition of 25
Bridge to a Dark Place 12X12 inches. $600. Limited edition of 25
Top of the Bottoms 16X20 inches. $700 Limited edition of 25
Once Upon an Avenue. 12X12 inches. $600 Limited edition of 25
Faces of the Dead 8X12 inches $500 Limited edition of 25
Captains of Undustry 12X12 inches $600 Limited edition of 25
Amalgamated Obsolescence 19X24 inches $850 Limited edition of 25
Golden Arches 16X24 inches $800 Limited edition of 25
Edifice Rex 12X12 inches $600 Limited edition of 25
Morning in America 16X24 inches $800 Limited edition of 25
Livestock Exchange 20X19 inches $800 Limited edition of 25
Nerve Center 12X10 inches $550 Limited edition of 25
Scale 16X20 inches. $700 Limited edition of 25
Red Hat Club
On Deck
Reality Express
Up and Out
Windows on Oblivion
Sheets in the Wind
Close to the Beginning