I don’t always write statements about my work because, A) I’m lazy, and B), I sometimes want the work simply to speak for itself. But this series is about how dramatic and conflicted the world feels right now, and how angry and fearful I am that this is the best we humans can do. It’s frustrating that we can’t agree to fix the environment, or settle border issues here and around the world. It’s especially annoying to me that religion is at the center of some disputes. I should clarify that my references to damnation aren’t about my religion because I don’t worship in that way. I think the only damnation is that which we create for ourselves. In a deeper sense, these images are intended to reflect what I see in the world, and my hope that we can collectively do better.
Just Before Dawn or Something
Sunday at Godhook Temple
Theocratic Principles
Carbonated Highway
Reformed Church of the Too Easily Condemned
Cute Little Planet of the Damned
Filtered Through Clouds
Waiting Room
Accommodation for the Uncharitable
Fear of God
Old Growth
Old Growth (BnW version)